Thursday, February 25, 2010

The foundling

News to find the bastard child that has been disposed of through pointer in the streets, is no longer the surprise of people afte the recurrence of incidents from time to time. Complex problem is that these children don't know their parents and their titles and don't have an evidence of their identity live a deafening silence. Also, community didn't dare to talk about them and prosecute them as part of te mistakes of adults, children have no identity and he future. The repeated to find these children and the reason for the spread of this indicates that there is a new pattern of worng social relations. That lead to the birth o children out of life to bear the nameofthe bastard instead of their right to access to the name just like andy other child.

There are no official statistics the number of foundlings in our community in Yemen despite the spread of this phenomeon, especially in major cities as evidenced bythe reports of stakeholdres and found repeated incidnts of babies from time to time. This is due to lack of specialzed studies.
The charity is the house of orphanage and foundling and it is responsible for them contribute to these associations in the house these orphans and foundlings, and recued them from homelessness in the alleys and streets. This assembly is working to provide services to all needy, includng orphans and foundlings. It covered them by the care and training and provide them with comfort and confidence so that they can ntegrate in to the society and always looked so active members interacing in it. Our commuinty contributd indirectly in the care of orphans and foundling through these chrities spread across the soil of our contry.

The phonomenon of foundling in our community linked to several factors, including forms that linked t categories of aliens, refugees and nationalities and don't know the meaning of the principles, nor the weight ofmorality, and many of them are connected to crimes of hoor and the weakness of religious morals. The poverty is one of the first reasons that drove the girls to the streets. Foundlings are humanitarian issue and must be addressed in every community that has its victims. The foundling is partof these errors, whenever community denie it, their feeling increased marginalization, suffering and the bahavior of crime.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The specter of "unemployment" hangs over our community!

This article is talking about unemployment and its impact on the community. Unemployment is a nagative phenomen in the community and is now spread all over the world. The state govermment could not reduce or try to minimize it, the contrary, it increased on the latest years. Globalization has resulted from prior to move the industries to different countries in search of better conditions of exploitation and for a higher profit. The livehoods of poor people has narrowed because of lack of employment opportunities, in addition to soil erosion, water pollution, desertification, wars, and diseases. Random migration, which is like a suicide flights where all wasting their money, and where they have lost their lives, has increased in the community.

The unemployment rate fell in the economy from 16% in 2006 to 14.7% in 2008. The study says that the unemployment rate in my community has become one of the highest in the world, and the number of new workers enteing the labor market every year an estimated 200 thousand people. This raion requires the provision of 200 thousand jobs annually in addition to 24 thousand jobs a year to reduce the cumulative unemployment stocks from previous years. Thesefigures indicate that governments should focus on helping individuals an not banks only. They should make more effort to create jobs, to address te social crisis and to help those affected by unemployment and not to deal with the current crisis from te perspective of financial only.

There is a decline in the state's role in creating job opportunities government and their withdrawal from the field of production and lay off some workers or the flow of foreign labor. When the government reneged on its prmises to provide jobs, theunemployed became in a state of repression and frustration. The cafes became crowded with them and deteriorating morals, drug use and slew some of them to commit crimes or the insurgency in retaliation for the system government. Because the work is a strong sense of self and of value an belonging. these things have broken down in the sense of many young peopl, forcing them to leave their homelands in any way.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Preference to males over females and female infanticide

The main stereotype in our community is the racial discrimination between male and female. Parents are using on of these ways either preference to males over female in treatment or female infanticide. Every father and mother distinguish between their children are ignorant because the distinction between children detract from the feeling of filiation. This distinction is often a motive for most crimes of family that has intensified over the past years and has become an approximately 60% fcrimes committed within the community. These crimes occur because the enmity arise between the children. For example, a son who unwanted though that his brother are the reason for suffering the deprivation and oppression and then he will be ready to avnge them when given the opportunity. Some studies have indicated that there is a difference in upbringing betwee males and females including no health care, food and discrimination in access to education and not to give girls an opportunity to make decisions concerning their lives.

The discriminatory attitudes towards women, girls, the roles based on stereotypes and inadequate awareness ofthesituaion of the girl child are causig damage to them in the community such as the work of the girl child including their work in the home, persistenc of poverty and lack of funds ofte prevented them from access to educaion and training. These resons contibuted to the lack of opportunities and possibilities for girls to gain self-confidence, self-reliance and independence. For example, when the family set given level ofeducation of thegirl does not transcend them and allow her brother to continue education, this violence based on gender against girls such as beatings, marginalization, and degradation and humliation contuinued. This phonomenon exists in our society and in traditional societies, but was not apparent on the surface, it is hardly devoid f them home.

We find that some mothers oppress their daughters for male children and dstinguish them in everything because he is a man. In some village, every female bears the burden of home and field, and the man has the right to take command, even if he is umemployed. Many families believe that a home business is one ofthe duties of the female alone, and tht when the male take part in the house, it is considered deficient manhood.

Female infanticide

Previously, families prefer to give birth to male over females and now this issue still exist in some families. When they hear that they gave birth to a boy, they feel happy and joy beyond description. But if they gave birth to a girl, they believe that something sad has happened to them. Female infanticide is to bury the girl alive, and it was one of the sleepy old habits. At the present time, female infanticide is taking another form which is the pregnant women aborted the fetus. After women know that she is pregnant a girl, she is immediately aborted the fetus. This habit is spreading, especially in China.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Women's community

Women's clinic

Women's clinic used by the collective assistance based on free enterprise to provide free health services and assistance to women, especially in San Francisco Bay Area. During its ten years, the clinic hired a lot of volunteers to provide health services for many of women.

Do not leave the stage for men

According to the study published bythe center called "Women's Center for Laborn Market" is the provision market work of women in different areas of social and professional life.

Women who can not work and coordinate between the pregnancy and management of the household are lazy and do not have enthusiasm todo things is at the heart of its activities as a woman. By skillfully ad intelligently women can coordinate betwen work, pregnancy and home. The study that the increase in the labor market for women, this doesn't mean that women should give up on work, house and other aspects of life. The study added that the community will depend on growth, if women focused on specific aspects only and away from other activities.

The role of women in society

International Women's Day on March 8
Women are the life and incubator of the ideas and being of society.Women must make multiplier effect to defend what worth is fighting for to be able to build more harmonious communities, humanitarian and affiliation in the surroundings.

The first of February, the Arab countries celebrate the Day of Arab women, this day acknowledged by the arab group in recognition of te centrality of women, their active role in achieving stability and prosperity of societies and the consolidation of the cultural construction.

No one disagrees on the essential role of women in building society. The role of women begins with the repreentative of the family that contribute to women in the directing and managing. Also, women do their needs for physical and moral at the same time with the participation of men (father), who often focus on acquiring the funds necessary to continue the family's life.We agree that the most important poles in the social composition are the men and women. Both are almost a percentae of up to half mostly in the industry and contribute to the development of society with different roles assignd to each of them. Major role placed on women requies the strength in character. Women constitute a high proportion of the composition of society, than it is the cornerstone of the family.