Thursday, February 25, 2010

The foundling

News to find the bastard child that has been disposed of through pointer in the streets, is no longer the surprise of people afte the recurrence of incidents from time to time. Complex problem is that these children don't know their parents and their titles and don't have an evidence of their identity live a deafening silence. Also, community didn't dare to talk about them and prosecute them as part of te mistakes of adults, children have no identity and he future. The repeated to find these children and the reason for the spread of this indicates that there is a new pattern of worng social relations. That lead to the birth o children out of life to bear the nameofthe bastard instead of their right to access to the name just like andy other child.

There are no official statistics the number of foundlings in our community in Yemen despite the spread of this phenomeon, especially in major cities as evidenced bythe reports of stakeholdres and found repeated incidnts of babies from time to time. This is due to lack of specialzed studies.
The charity is the house of orphanage and foundling and it is responsible for them contribute to these associations in the house these orphans and foundlings, and recued them from homelessness in the alleys and streets. This assembly is working to provide services to all needy, includng orphans and foundlings. It covered them by the care and training and provide them with comfort and confidence so that they can ntegrate in to the society and always looked so active members interacing in it. Our commuinty contributd indirectly in the care of orphans and foundling through these chrities spread across the soil of our contry.

The phonomenon of foundling in our community linked to several factors, including forms that linked t categories of aliens, refugees and nationalities and don't know the meaning of the principles, nor the weight ofmorality, and many of them are connected to crimes of hoor and the weakness of religious morals. The poverty is one of the first reasons that drove the girls to the streets. Foundlings are humanitarian issue and must be addressed in every community that has its victims. The foundling is partof these errors, whenever community denie it, their feeling increased marginalization, suffering and the bahavior of crime.

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